Many clients are not aware of the fact that modern carpets often offer stain-resistance. This is due to the fact that the manufacturers treat them during production. While this offers some peace of mind it does not mean that your carpets will not stain at all.

It is not always the dirt and build-up that people see first on their carpets. Some are more concerned about the odours and smells that their carpets give off. They realise that the steam cleaning process will eradicate this problem.

Steam Cleaning Carpets Lancashire

There are a range of steam cleaners available to clean carpets. However, it is vital that you are confident that it will not damage your carpet. Some steam cleaning machines will melt the carpet or its fibres. This is often why clients request the assistance of a professional carpet cleaner. Alongside this is the fact that the job can become labour intensive with other machines.

Our industrial truck mounted cleaning system is incredibly high powered but does not damage your carpets. However, here is a top tip if you should feel that DIY steam cleaning is for you:

Don’t add detergents to your steam cleaner without contacting your carpet manufacturer. Different products react differently with varying carpet types. Therefore, it is always a good idea to check with your individual manufacturer to see whether it will not damage your specific carpet. However unlikely, it is important to feel confident with the products and process that you are using.

This is a living room carpet we cleaned in Cleveleys. It was last cleaned two years ago. However, as you can see, daily wear and tear takes its toll. The above picture shows how halfway through the clean how the soiling really can be highlighted.

If you are looking for support to clean your carpets, call Brights Cleaning on 0800 695 3455.